Friday 27 April 2018


I think that I don't Have a favorite piece of technology, all them are important in my life, But if a had choose i said that   smarthphone it's the piece of technology that i used all day for many things like listen  music, watch a films or make a photo.
also, radio is other device that i like to much, i used all day in my home, it's special for me  and never getting bored when i turn on the radio. When i meet with my boyfriend always  turn on the radio and listen music together wile we drink beer.
 also i used the computer and Tv, but not as much as radio or smarthphone, it's are the piece that a used frecuently . if i haven't this pieces  my life would be different, maybe better.
I think that i lose my time with my smarthphone, when i have to study get distracted watch facebook, instagram or whatsapp.
I like much the smarthphone because i do all in this device, since listen music until study. and the radio like to me because i listen varied kind of music.

Friday 20 April 2018

My Blog

When I was a litle girl, always thought about my future. and i wanted to be  becomed  a doctor, lawyer ,veterinary, nurse ect. when i was at primary school i really like it the history, but when i go to the high school, i developed i linking for chemistry and biology. 
But i wasn't motived in study in to university, the true is that i wan't interested about nothing in the furute.  After a wile, i started to investigate about chemistry , and was in this moment when i decided for chmistry and pharmacy in the university of chile.
Now, i really like this career and i don't repentant for this decision. My expirience in the university is good, i laugh with my schoolmate, we study together and i think that this faculty is a nice place.
In the future, i really would like to work in the Hospital or in some laboratory.

Thursday 12 April 2018

my blog

Hello, i tell you some things about me. My name is Ayleen letelier and i was born on santiago,chile in 8/05/1998, and i have 19 years old. I have two brothers: Joshua, who is 14 years old and rafael who is 8 month. My parents never married, so i live only my mother, which  is fortunate for me because my relationship with my father is bad.
I have many cousins, and i enjoy spend my time whit them. we go to the parties,eat sushi, see a movie, go to the cinema, etc.
I studied in liceo tajamar in providencia and then i went to the university of chile where i'm study chemistry in pharmacy.
I go to swimming since last year and i very like it and enjoy it.
I like animals especially dogs. I have two dogs, sofi and jack, my grandfather call it coco and yehui. this dogs are part of my family, they are like children and always make me happy. Also i have a cat, her name is Luna and don't play with her because is very angry. I show you a photograph of my dog jack (coco):