Tuesday 31 July 2018

A photograph that i like:

my grandfather had a camera to roll and I really loved it a lot, and I looked forward to when he was going to reveal the photos and bring them home.
i always asked him to take me pictures which he gives me later.
now the situation changed, it is he who asks me to take photographs, I print them and I give them to him.
my grandfather loves animals just like me, he always asks me to take pictures with our pets.
The fotk that I like the more I took in Spain about two weeks ago, is a church that is in alcudia de mallorca. I do not like it because it looks pretty, but I like it because it makes me think about the history of the town, it makes me think of all the generations that have passed through this place and how lucky I am to be here.
I have taken many photos on this trip but words would be missing to describe what makes me feel

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