Monday 13 August 2018

Favorite Person
I have many favorite person in my field that i admire, but the one that catched my attention is Charles Darwin, born in the february 1809, and he died in april 1882.
When he was 16 years old, he entered the University of Edinburgh and gradually left his medical studies to devote himself to the research of marine invertebrates.
On December 1831, I set sail on a ship called Biegle to conduct an expedition in America.
In this trip he observe the nature and geology which led him to write a book called "The Voyage of the Beagle". For this expedition and his knowledge Darwin is known as the father of evolution.
Darwin raises the theory of natural selection, which is the process in which organisms fit over time as a result of external changes or genetic changes, and allows the organism to adapt to its environment.
I like Charle Darwin a lot, personally I think it explains that we are evolution, we are not the offspring of a divine and mysterious being, our ancestors have changed to adapt to the planet that is constantly changing.

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