Thursday 16 August 2018

The most enjoyable subject.

In my first year of university I had many subjects that I did not like, I thought it was the same information and content that I had already seen in all my secondary education. But there was a branch called "chemical laboratory techniques" and with my classmates we called it "techniques" only.
The subject consisted of a theoretical part and then a practical part, I never knew how many students we were in that class because we were many, I could say that more than 100 students. The classroom of the theoretical part was very crowded, so with my classmates we arrived 15 or 20 minutes before the class began to have a good site and to look well at the blackboard.
The practical class was based on going to the laboratory and doing everything that was explained to us in the theoretical class, it was very entertaining. In general, they taught us the basics that one has to know to make good experiments such as learning to measure and weigh. We do things like titration, distillation, purification among others.
I must admit that at first I did not like the theoretical classes, I found it very boring, but over time I realized that it is very important to know the theoretical and then carry it out in practice.
This assistancy was taught by many teachers, around 10 teachers, for this reason it cost me a lot to learn the names.

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