Friday 17 August 2018

My experience

When I was little and went to elementary school, the teachers did not teach us English. In high school I had a teacher named Roy, and thanks to him I learned a little English. I think my English level is very low, I think it's because at school they taught me very little and also because in my family there is not the culture of knowing or learning English. I must confess that it costs me a lot.
In the university tod was very different, there is a subject called "research for pharmaceutical sciences" and all jobs are in English.
I liked the experience of reading and blogging, reading my colleagues' blogs, how to get to know them more, I have fun with the things they write.
I feel that my English level improved a little, now I understand more the things I read.
Sometimes I put in the patience that the teacher must have to read all the blogs of all the students that we are in the English course, and I think the teacher must have a lot of patience and vocation.
All the topics we have written I find them interesting and fun, I like to have the opportunity to talk about what I think or feel. Now I would like to continue learning, fill with knowledge and improve my skills.

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